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[ ppzw      更新时间:2011/4/25  ]    ★★★

    PPZW(www.ppzw.com)is the highly professional brand filed website which collection brand marketing network and brand electronic business into one system……

    We use modern advanced internet information technology,acceptance the advanced way of international to promotion enterprise brand, and union lots of well-known profession filed website and city information website, which composition the superiority resources of PPZW website.

    The website collected the information of enterprise, brand, product, business star, project, activity and so on. This information can organization the highly unified operation pattern as a kind of professional, marketing network and the electronic business of brand filed. Which pattern can provide a platform for enterprise in advertisements issue, business information issue and trade in internet. So,this platform can provide specialized brand information and electronic business service for social public timely, comprehensive, highly effective and economically.


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